I understand that, as a condition of my consideration for employment with RJB Contracting, or as a condition of my continued employment with RJB Contracting, RJB Contracting may obtain an investigative consumer report from CAREY CONSULTANTS, INC., that includes, but is not limited to, my CREDITWORTHINESS or similar characteristics, employment and educational verifications, social security verification, criminal and civil history, personal interviews with references and supervisors or anyone else who may have knowledge of my background, DMV records, any other public records and any other information bearing on my credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics and trustworthiness. I authorize CAREY CONSULTANTS, INC., to contact any of my previous employers, references, supervisors, etc. CAREY CONSULTANTS, INC. may also obtain DOT information if that is a necessary part of their employment screening process. I hereby authorize and consent to RJB Contracting?s procurement of such a report from CAREY CONSULTANTS, INC., I understand that, pursuant to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, RJB Contracting will provide me with a copy of any such report if the information contained in such report is considered to be adverse and would preclude RJB Contracting from offering me the position or would negatively impact their decision regarding my fitness for employment, transfer or promotion within the company. I further understand that such report will be made available to me prior to any such decision being made, along with the name and address of the reporting agency that produced the report. I understand that RJB Contracting has a right to re-check my background at anytime during my employment tenure or re-application process without further notification. I understand further that although this is a background form and NOT an employment application, if I provide any false or misleading information RJB Contracting may immediately disqualify me for any position, transfer or promotion.
Digital Signature Release